
Bibury Sport

We are very pleased that Bibury School achieved the School Games Gold Award for its involvement in sport in 21-22.  This is an amazing achievement for a small school.  The award reflects the diversity of activities we were involved in, for example Panathlon, Archery and Forest Schools as well as the more traditional sports.  It is also an acknowledgement of the increased participation in sport: 


Applying for the award also involved an audit of our PE provision and our targets for this year include increasing physical activity across the whole week and further involvement in competitive sport.  PE lessons are every Thursday and Friday. we also hope to introduce some form of informal activity on others days.


We also hope to use some of our Sports Premium money to offer taster sessions for more unusual sports and to make closer link with local sports clubs.  Dance is also part of PE and again we intend to arrange dance workshops as we did last year.


Please ask if you have any questions, or let us know if you have any suggestions for sports we can try.


Finally, as a rural school we depend on the support of parents for transport to events and we thank you in advance for your help and encouragement.