
Mighty Oaks

Class Teachers: Mrs. Davies.  Miss King


Teaching Assistants: Mrs Emmerson and Miss Deighton


Welcome to Mighty Oaks Class – Key Stage 2 Years 5 & 6


Our upper key stage 2 class are the Mighty Oaks. They are taught as a group on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday morning for English and Maths and in the afternoons on Wednesday and Thursday for Science, RSHE, and French by Mrs. Davies.  On Tuesday and Friday mornings, they also work separately from years 3 and 4 under the direction of Miss King and supported by Mrs. Emmerson and Miss Deighton.

History, Geography, RE, Music, DT, Art and PE are taught alongside the children in years 3 & 4 (Oaks), with tasks and expectations differentiated to allow for different levels of attainment.

This timetable may change from term to term, depending on the topic focus, any enrichment activities and swimming lessons.

As part of our learning, we have use of the online platform Padlet which enables pupils to practise skills, and share their work.  Links to useful sites related to their current learning are also available on this site. This platform can be accessed from both school and home.

Supporting Learning at Home

KIRFS (Key instant recall facts) are provided termly to be practised at home

Weekly spellings are supported by the Spelling Shed application for which all pupil have a login.

Times Tables Rockstars is an interactive tool for practising multiplication facts at speed.

Knowledge organisers identifying key vocabulary and learning are sent home for each unit of Science, History, Geography and Religious Education.


Please encourage your child to read daily in order to meet their termly reading target. It is really beneficial if they have the opportunity to read to a parent for at least some the time in order to explore new vocabulary or unfamiliar phrases. We use Accelerated Reader Software, which allows children to select from a range of books that will help develop them as readers. Each time they complete a book, they will take an online quiz, the results of which are accessible to parents.

Please ensure that your child keeps a record of their reading in their journal.

We have a popular area on our Padlet page where pupils can leave book reviews and enter into discussions about texts.


In addition to learning spellings, reading and learning key mathematical facts, pupils are set weekly homework tasks in English and Maths and are also given additional tasks in other subjects areas where these are deemed appropriate.  Some pupils may be provided with individualised tasks to help them develop particular areas of learning.